The production of wines, cava and oil by Domenio is totally controlled from the very beginning. We like to say that we supervise the whole process, from the field to the table.
We work on the fields in eight villages in the southeast of Catalonia throughout the year. From vintage to vintage, from harvest to harvest and from production to production.
The foodstuffs preparation processes we work with at Domenio have been developed with exhaustive controls supervised by our Technical Department. We consider it a fundamental activity in achieving a resulting production with maximum guarantees.
This is why, at Domenio, we don’t work just on the production and bottling of products made from grapes and olives; we also watch over the product long before it goes out as the result of efforts and dedication by the team at Cellers Domenys. We supervise cultivation in the field, sustainability of the crops and quality in the raw material.
We monitor the transport and control the materials arriving at the wineries and the mills. We monitor the whole production process to ensure that it is at the optimum and meets all the quality and other requirements under the Designations of Origin and, once bottled, we make sure that the product is right for marketing. In this sense, Domenio has marketing departments, national and international, specialising in the products and in planning, coordination and the development of a whole programme of actions to increase and promote the presence of our brand of wines, cavas and oils, not only in the local area, but also beyond our frontiers.
Cellers Domenys i Secció de crèdit S.C.C.L. ha estado beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Internacionalización con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento competitivo en el exterior durante el año 2020. Pare ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE de la Cámara de Comercio de Barcelona.
“La venda de proximitat està regulada i permet identificar els pagesos catalans que venen ells mateixos els seus productes al públic, segons el Decret 24/2013”
Amb el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Projectes singulars:
Wine should only be enjoyed in moderation
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